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We Served 250 Meals at Our Place

December 19, 2022

Over the holiday season, we made a small contribution by sponsoring a breakfast at Our Place Society and participating in serving 250 meals to those in need. Our Place is a critical organization that provides essential support and services to some of Victoria’s most vulnerable populations, including individuals facing housing insecurity, mental health challenges, substance use issues, and more.

Starting bright and early at 6:45 am, our team arrived at Our Place ready to help serve a delicious and nutritious meal to those in need. During breakfast, we had the opportunity to interact with community members and learn about their stories and experiences. Many of them were eager to learn about our day jobs in the tech industry and we, in turn, were inspired by their resilience and strength. One of the most impactful moments of the day was when we learned about Our Place’s internet cafe, where community members have access to computers and the internet to complete important tasks such as applying for government programs, checking email, or connecting with loved ones. This experience reinforced our belief at CL that digital equity is crucial in ensuring that everyone has meaningful access to digital technology. We are proud to support organizations like Our Place that are working to make a positive difference in their communities.